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Opti-Kids | 1st Phorm
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We want our kids to be healthy, but let’s be real, the daily debate with them to eat their fruits and vegetables gets old. Maybe you are one of the few lucky parents that don’t have a picky eater that would rather sit at the dinner table in a stand off with you for hours than eat their disgusting vegetables ... or who won’t eat any kind of fruit besides a packet of fruit snacks. For the rest of us, it can be a real struggle to get our kids to consume the 3-4 servings of vegetables or the 2-3 servings of fruits a day that the USDA recommends. That’s why we developed Opti-Kids! The comprehensive blend of non-GMO fruits, vegetables, digestive enzymes, probiotics, and all organic grasses in Opti-Kids will give you peace of mind that your kids are getting what they need and deserve ... and the amazing flavor of Opti-Kids will have them begging for more! We have also included 6g of Low Temperature Processed Whey Protein to help provide the necessary building blocks (amino acids) for their growing bodies. Amino Acids are the base for every tissue the body creates as they get older. Last but not least, Opti-Kids contains a gigantic kid-friendly boost of the essential probiotic nutrients needed to support our little ones’ digestive systems! Providing your kids with the nutrients their growing bodies need has never been easier ... or yummier!

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