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FREE 2 Pack Pet Alert Stickers: For Every Door & Window of Your Home
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This item is FREE and also provides 1 meal to a shelter dog. Limit 1 per customer. Just pay S&H. We believe every dog deserves a safe home. That's why we are giving every pet parent a free safety sticker 2 pack (normally $7.99 + shipping). All you have to do is pay a small shipping charge that also includes a meal donation for a shelter dog (not eligible for 2nd or Next day shipping). Here is what Scott H., a local fireman, had to say: "I'm a fireman in Southern California, and on a recent fire we had a few pups die from smoke inhalation. All the family survived but I was pretty crushed to see the family. I've got two dogs so I really felt for them. This safety sticker lets all of us first responders know exactly what to expect and how to plan accordingly. I highly recommend every pet owner display these in your home." PLEASE CONSIDER TAKING UP THIS OFFER FOR FREE SAFETY STICKERS FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILY WITH PETS! Nothing says I’m thinking of you more than showing care for their pets. These stickers are saving many pet lives! Stickers are made from UV and weather resistant vinyl and measure 4" X 6" each. Write with permanent marker.

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