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New Study Reveals Benefits: Reduced Anxiety, Lower Obesity Risk, and E – OFFFIELD
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A groundbreaking new study conducted by researchers at Washington State University has revealed several significant health benefits associated with cannabis use, including a reduced risk of anxiety and obesity, as well as enhanced memory function. The findings, published in *Scientific Reports*, offer fresh insights into how cannabinoids like Cannabigerol (CBG) may impact mental and physical health.Key Findings1. Reduction in Anxiety:The study found that individuals who had used cannabis within the past month were 31% less likely to experience anxiety compared to non-users. Participants who consumed cannabis recently showed marked resilience to stress, with significantly lower anxiety levels during the trial. These findings suggest that cannabinoids, particularly CBG, may offer a natural and effective means of managing anxiety without the cognitive impairments often associated with traditional treatments [oai_citation:1,Cannabigerol (CBG) Reduces Anxiety and Improves Memory - Neuroscience News] [oai_citation:2,CBG found to reduce anxiety and enhance memory in clinical trial]().2. Lower Risk of Obesity:Another surprising outcome of the study was the discovery that recent cannabis users were also 31% less likely to be obese. This finding challenges the common stereotype that cannabis use leads to weight gain due to increased appetite or

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