- Page Title
- Painting and Calligraphy on fans from the Xiao Wan Liu Tang Collection 扇海─小萬柳堂舊藏明清書畫扇面 | Chinese Paintings – Classical | Sotheby's
- Brand
- sothebys.com
- Type
- Other
- First Seen
- 11/29/2024
- Last Seen
- 12/1/2024
- Domain
- sothebys.com
- https://www.sothebys.com/en/buy/auction/2024/painting-and-calligraphy-on-fans-from-the-xiao-wan-liu-tang-collection?locale=zh-Hant&cmp=pso7000203047
- Description
- Effective May 20th, 2024, Sotheby's has lowered its Buyer's Premium rates and removed Overhead Premium for all categories excluding Wine Spirits. Sotheby's Overhead Premium will only be charged for Wine Spirits lots. Please refer to the Conditions of Business located on the relevant sale page for the updated rates.Of fan paintings in private hands, those in the collection ofXiaowanliutang are among the most widely recognised. Xiaowanliutang is the studio name of prominent late Qing dynasty collectors Lian Quan (1868-1931) and his wife Wu Zhiying, who primarily obtained from the collections of his relatives, brothers Gong Benang and Gong Yu.This sale brings together more than 100 masterpieces from the Xiaowanliutang. From the elegance of the Wu School literati to the refined masterpieces of the Four Wangs and Wu Yun, the collection is well-documented and provides a comprehensive overview of the development of painting and calligraphy during the Ming and Qing dynasties.「小萬柳堂」藏品精品薈萃,其主人廉泉、吳芝瑛夫婦出身世家,出入名士門弟,為人仗義,雅好詩文,收藏頗富,所藏明清扇面多得自姻親宮氏兄弟。宮本昂、宮昱為揚州鉅富,兄弟宦遊一生五十餘載,盡心搜羅古書畫,集畢生之心力,將千餘件所藏扇面輯成《書畫扇存》,並傳承予廉氏夫婦。1911年,廉氏出版《小萬柳堂藏明清兩朝書畫扇存目錄》,名震一時,得著名收藏家端方作序並讚:「得名人八百輩,為冊六十,洵生平之樂事,宇宙之奇觀矣!」是次「扇海─小萬柳堂明清書畫扇面」專場,欣呈作品逾百,上起吳門意趣,下迄四王吳惲精品,脈絡清晰,流傳有序,部分更長期借展於東京國立博物館,並有多次著錄出版,識者自珍。For assistance with bidding and registration, please contact:bids.hongkong@sothebys.com+852 2524 8121For all enquiries please contact:Steven Zuo |STEVEN.ZUO@SOTHEBYS.COM| +852 2822 9016Director, Head of Department, Classical Chinese PaintingsSally Fong |SALLY.FONG@SOTHEBYS.COM| +852 2822 9013Deputy Director, Specialist, Classical Chinese PaintingsAlex Weng |ALEX.WENG@SOTHEBYS.COM| +86 21 62881026Specialist, Classical Chinese PaintingsJacqueline Lee |JACQUELINE.LEE@SOTHEBYS.COM| +852 2822 9043Junior Specialist / Cataloguer, Classical Chinese Paintings
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